The features available in this release are geared toward users with admin permissions for their location.
Admins - Edit User Profiles
In the past when you created a user, once you created them, you could no longer edit any of the details about them. Now you can edit anything about them at any time except username and email - which need to stay the same. The fields you can edit includes their DMS ID if your location is integrated with a DMS.
If and when you do make changes to a user's profile, the system will email the user to the address on file and let them know the changes you made. They won't need to confirm the changes, but they will be made aware to avoid confusion.
See also: Manage Users and Permissions
Admins - Set Recommended Operations
If you have admin permissions to a service location, you can now enable or disable Recommended Operations for your location. Recommended Operations are operations you want to suggest to your users every time they open a new case for your location, such as service specials or 22-point inspections.
You can add or remove operations from the list of Recommended Operations at any time as long as the operation already exists in your system.
See also: Set Recommended Operations
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