Provider Users
Improved Error Messaging for Creating Contacts
We improved the error message that displays when you try to create a new contact for a customer, but a contact already exists in the system with that email.
The message now includes the name of the user with the same email and a link to their information to see if that’s the contact you were trying to create.
See also: Manage Customer Contacts
Provider Dealer Admins
Manage Users on the Workflow Assignment List
By default, any user created for a location appeared in the Assign To list on the Workflow tab of a case. Now you can manage which users appear in that list using the new Workflow Assignment option we added to User Permissions.
By removing unnecessary users from the Assign To list, other users can’t accidentally assign a case to them, and it’ll be easier for everyone to skim the list of possible assignees.
See also: Manage Users and Permissions, Assign a Case to Another User
Alert Users to Update Mileage and Engine Hours
If your users regularly use the Export to Repair Order option to export their cases to a DMS, you can now alert those users to update the mileage and engine hours for an asset before they export the case if they haven’t updated that data as part of their service yet.
The new setting appears on the Features tab of your Location Information page.
See also: Set Up Your Location Information
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